We have collaborated with the Tampere based Finnish Labour Museum Werstas and Tampere University‘s teacher education students on the Kaleidoscope: Children of the Cold War exhibition that brought together photos, artworks and objects, sights and sounds, feelings, and wonders of childhood collected in our ongoing Recollect/Reconnect project. The exhibition provided historical insights – with contemporary relevance – into the diverse spaces and times of childhood under socialist regimes in Europe and beyond. This exhibition invited visitors to approach childhood, memories, and remembering as a collective exercise in examining and creating connections across past and present geopolitical dividing lines.
The exhibition was open between February 26 – October 24, 2021 at the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas (Työväenmuseo Werstas), Tampere Finland. Open Tue–Sun 11am–6pm. Free admission. www.tyovaenmuseo.fi. The opening event took place on February 25th, 2021 at the museum and online (watch the recording here).