Related Exhibitions

A Kaleidoscope of Childhoods: Remembering everyday life during and after the Cold War

A smaller exhibition titled A Kaleidoscope of Childhoods: Remembering everyday life during and after the Cold War also accompanies the theatre play in Budapest, Hungary between the 11-24th of September 2020. The exhibition is open between 10am – 8 pm and free of charge, closed on Mondays. Read more about the exhibition in Finnish.

Kylmän sodan muistoista kertova näyttely avattu Budapestissä

Short video of the exhibition in Budapest Trafo

Visiting Socialist Childhood Exhibition in Lenin Museum, Tampere, Finland

Erica Burman, Susanne Gannon, Madina Tlostanova, Iveta Silova and Nelli Piattoeva discuss the names we have selected for our workshop groups in the online Slack space. Slack has been used to discuss memories of childhood among our 94 participants before we meet in onsite memory workshops in Berlin, Helsinki, Riga and Mexico City in 2019 and in an online memory workshop in 2020. The discussion is about children story figures created in the Eastern Bloc and Soviet Union, and the ways in which, for example, Alice in Wonderland has been repurposed by children in the USSR.