He has been a conscientious objector to war all his life. During the Vietnam era, he was classified 1-A (eligible for service), as his claim for conscientious objector (CO) status was denied by his local draft board. His case got as far as a pre-induction physical, before he was deferred to join the Peace Corps. For that process, he was taken by Army transport to a base near their state capital. After filling out forms and being examined, prodded and tested, he was called out and taken to a separate room, a classroom with desks and a blackboard. There he talked with two persons who were with the FBI. He had been called out because of his answer to one particular question on their questionnaire: "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of, or had any contact with, one of the following organizations?" Not wanting to lie on an official form, he recalled that he had attended a meeting of the anti-war movement at a camp near Chicago in the off-season. In attendance had been every left-leaning group from Students for a Democratic Society to some of the larger labor unions. Two guys (decades older than the average age of the gathering, and the only ones dressed in suits and ties) were with the Communist Party of the USA. (He remembers that at one point every one of the three hundred delegates were in agreement with the idea that Russian troops should not have put down student demonstrations in Czechoslovakia -- except the two old stuffed shirts from the CP.) So, he had to check them off on the Selective Service System form. The two FBI men had to draw up a statement for him to sign. This process took the better part of two hours, so the bus had to wait for him.