
Her family was politically active in Argentina and they had to hide during 1974-1976. At that time the violence became extreme, particularly from right-wing paramilitary groups who targeted activists. Part of her extended family went into exile in Mexico and others moved to Brazil. She changed schools and started new friendships; she didn’t like the new school but felt she could not complain. In 1976 there was the military coup and things got even worse; her dad died from cancer that year. Her mom thought they could return to a ‘normal’ life so they took that step, even if always feeling under threat.

It is hard for her not to remember the details of this period with this general patina of grayness and coldness. Her mom was working full time so her sister and her – they were 11 and 9 - cooked for themselves lots of canned meals (hot dogs, peas, and mashed potatoes) and instant coffee. Sometimes they invited friends over. It’s funny that some years ago she met her school friends and they remembered these instant meals as small luxuries; one told her that she loved her all-female house because there was an air of freedom and children got to do what they wanted. So there must have been some of that as well.

The moments when she felt life returned to full color was when she traveled out of Argentina - first to Brazil, and then to Peru and Mexico. They didn’t have much money so her extended family helped them. She loved Brazilian music and Mexican intense colors and food. She still does!