Raisa Foster: More than human

Raisa Foster’s exhibition titled More than Human on view in Saskia Gallery Tampere, Finland 5-23th of June 2021
Raisa Foster’s exhibition titled More than Human on view in Saskia Gallery Tampere, Finland 5-23th of June 2021
They built the shelter to protect them from radiation in case of a nuclear war.
What we see in memories is the crumbling of one modernity: the socialist system. And what we see now is the crumbling of another: the capitalist one. Are we prepared for what comes after?
Two girls’ memories of the ghost train in Berlin.
Just received a grant award of 60.0000 Euro from KONE Foundation under their special funding call ‘Environmentally responsible encounters’. This is to extend our commitment to low carbon research activities with a carbon low conference at the end of our project in 2021.